illegal Prostitution Centers Exposed Near Data Darbar

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  illegal Prostitution Centers Exposed Near Data Darbar

 All the Gusy of Pakistani and the world now Mouje Masti post a Illegal Activity near Data Darbar. Data Darbar is famous place in Lahore. familiarity of Lahore is also Data Darbar. at every time Data Darbar is open. But sorry to say illegal activity near Data Darbar Government should take action against this. Lahore: Dozens of Illegal Prostitution centers have been exposed in couple of historical places of Lahore which are running under the supervision of authorities. These centers are available in the form of hotels, vacant rooms or open spaces. Heera Mandi is famous for this work but many people don’t know some other places for this shameless work. The Famous areas for this black work are Muslims shrines Data Darbar, Bradshaw Masjid, Shahi Qila (The Lahore Fort) and Shalimar Bagh, Dawn News Exclusive report showed truth.

According to details, Hotels owners are involved in this illegal business. Managements of these hotels not only provide people rooms without any name but also provide alcoholic drinks and prostitute girls. Law Enforcement agencies know this but instead of taking action, they take bribe.
They have well formed groups who try to grab people outside of hotels. Many People visit Lahore for this purpose. Dawn Show “Bhais badal ke” recorded all the process but some scenes have been censored.
Terrorists also use this tactic for their wrong purposes as there is no NIC verification process in these hotels. Few months ago a big blast was occurred in Data Darbar but still no proper steps have been taken to stop these types of attacks in future.

Here is video of Program which will definitely shock you.
Video 1 (Embed From DailyMotion)

Bhais badal ke – 31st March 2013 

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