Young Pakistani Students Find Solution to End Load-Shedding
Islamabad Pakistan: Hi how are you all the guys herepakistani post inform Two pakistani Students have a found Solution to the end of load shedding pakistan get prosperity. Good news in pakistan. Two Students Abdul Moiz Lodhi and Shahbas Khattak are the students of Matric class in pak Turk School held in pakistan. They have GSM-based automatic meter Reader (amr) which won second prize in international comeptition held in romania i.e abroad. Quality of this machin collect Gas, Water and Electricity Consumption Data and then transimt ot company without requried any metter Reader.
Both Students said after Installing this Technology meter will no more need manual process. This will be surely user friendly but it is easy if pakistani government will take is seriously.
Enery/electricity is more common crime in pakistan. This crime not in home users but mosty this crime in industrial area.if government apply this technology in paractice. More positve results come short fall of energy criese also down.
Its here by mention here that other sudent abdullah abid from same school has got second position in international competition. He also manage or designed Traffic control Softwar which is really a unique idea.